Friends of the Pasadena Playhouse Volunteer Recognition Awards
The awards are calculated on hours volunteered annually from January 1 to December 31 and presented during an annual event next year.
One-Time Awards Gold Name Badge: 50 hours. Blue Pin: 100 - 149 hours. Awarded annually at the Volunteer Recognition Event with a useful little gift. Gold pin: 150 - 399 hours. Awarded at the Volunteer Recognition Event with both the useful little gift and a gift card. Red Pin: 250 hours. Presented and awarded first time at the 2017 Volunteer Recognition Event.
Annual Award Program for 400 + volunteer hours Angel Award isawarded six times. Halo Album isawarded once. The Halo Album is given after receiving six Angel Awards. Halo Certificate is awarded after receiving the Halo Album. Six Halo Certificates can be received. Symbolic Key to The Playhouse is awarded once, after six Halo Certificates have been received. The Comedy and Tragedy Medallion is awarded once after the Key to The Playhouse has been received. The Essential Piece Pin is awarded once after the Comedy and Tragedy Medallion has been received. The Essential Piece Key Chain is awarded once after the Essential Piece Pin has been received. The Essential Piece Charm is awarded after the Essential Piece Key Chain has been received. This award can be received each year after all of the above awards have been received.
"... time is the scarcest commodity. No matter who you are, you have 24 hours a day, and when you give time up you’re giving up something important." - Warren Baffett (Boston Globe, 8/13/2016)