Friends of the Pasadena Playhouse Volunteer Recognition Awards
The awards are calculated on hours volunteered annually from January 1 to December 31 and presented during an annual event next year.
One-Time Awards Gold Name Badge: 50 hours.
100 - 149 hours. Awarded annually at the Volunteer Recognition Event with a gift card. 150 - 249 hours. Awarded at the Volunteer Recognition Event with a gift card. 250 -399 hours. Awarded at the Volunteer Recognition Event with a gift card. Over 400 hours. Awarded at the Volunteer Recognition Event with a gift card.
A Life Time award honors volunteers -members of the Friends for their many contributions and volunteer efforts over the years.
"... time is the scarcest commodity. No matter who you are, you have 24 hours a day, and when you give time up you’re giving up something important." - Warren Baffett (Boston Globe, 8/13/2016)