Created in 1988 by the Friends founder Ellen Bailey, the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon has become an annual tradition. More than 130 volunteers and their guests attend this event. This is a wonderful opportunity to honor our volunteers and award them with a token of appreciation. The Playhouse staff presents the awards to the recipients.
Another tradition at the Volunteer Recognition is a Centerpiece Contest. Volunteers create centerpieces based on a play previously produced at The Playhouse. The guests receive a list of the plays that could be depicted and guess names of the plays. Those, who have guessed the most centerpieces correctly, are awarded a prize. Best centerpiece designers receive prices as well.
Thank you for being a Friend! 31th Volunteer Recognition event (March 24, 2019).
30th Volunteer Recognition Luncheon ( March 11, 2018) .
Celebrating Friendship : 29th Volunteer Recognition Event (March 19, 2017).
Photos of the Volunteer Recognition Event for 2015.